

The seconds tick, and a bit too quick
to choke the life right from his lungs,
and a heart too old to be too young
and formerly here, but now he is gone,
mistakenly humble, utterly withdrawn,
such irony to dream at night and not day,
a bullet fired astray who cannot obey,
who hates the game he is meant to play
but now is the time to put his toys away,
inhaling through decay and callousness
to relinquish and confess to suppress
with no progress in such endlessness,
with shut eyes and open arms he stands
to welcome the tugging culprit hands
to expand, to undergo and make demands
with spiteful words and a bitter tongue
to choke the life right from his lungs.


Anonymous said...

I commented on this, on AP. Really touched my heart, Ryan. Really wish you'd talk to me. Hoe you will reach out when and if you may be ready. I'm here...


Anonymous said...

Here is the comment......

My dear, you mean so much to me. More than words can express. All I can say is this...It is my deepest hope that your spirit finds the peace it longs for. I, in some ways, know what it is like to have mind and spirit disconnected, pulled and twisted in so many different directions, most of which are not good and, so on and so forth. I know what you are going through is much deeper than that. It is not an easy place to be and, since it takes a while to get that way, it can be disconcerting as it takes even longer to get realigned. So many aspects are involved. My heart aches for you and I have so much hope for you and faith in you. You will find your path, I know it....you just need to(know it). With no false sense as to the situation, you do have someone who cares and someone you can lean on....you've but to reach out. I'm always in your corner.
