
carpel tunnel vIsIon

I sit impaired and uncaring
to the effects of a saturated mind
that unravel in distinct determination
to an unbecoming man who once
seemed to understand the consequences
of an apathetic mindset born
from the senseless and unsympathetic
and the unforgiving that placate
and hold contempt for the pure few
that grasp in their hands the six keys
to salvation while in themselves
they can only hope to destroy
what everyone else seems to fight for
and in time they desire nothing less
than the dissatisfaction of others
and the disassociation for a society
that is slightly less pleasurable
each day that ticks away in nothingness
and there is no chance that the paradox
and your own enigma created
on your own accord for the benefit
of no one since you wouldn't
have it any other way or perhaps
you haven't the slightest idea
what your ideas entail or entice
in the minds of our children and saviors
of the simple and untapped thought
that unite and provide us with all
we will ever possibly need to survive
but the only chance for something
so sweet is to put you at your
bitter end with a fell swing of an axe.

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