
Dependence Day

What are you going to tell little Johnny Jr.
when he's "old enough to understand?"
Will you tell him that his “daddy died
defending his family, Freedom, and land?”
What did you see in the bathroom mirror
reflecting back before the glass hit the floor?
Did you see a proud father who believed
Johnny fought for Justice and Liberty offshore?
Or did you see a sever in your own lineage,
a Judas, a traitor to the King and his Crown?
Will the flag you bought on the twelfth of ‘01
keep you warm when Johnny’s not around?
Will you creep in the shadows and stray
from the light, blinded by your arrogance?
Or will you rise up on your own two feet
and no longer accept Voluntary ignorance?
Will you stand up all on your own now
or will you just continue to stay hidden?
Will you keep the secret of your detest
and indulge on all that has been forbidden?
Will fruitless labor of your sweat and blood
find you awake at night as you fight tears?
Will you Vote in ’08 for someone “better”
and bring Honor to your son’s final years?
Will Apple Pie and Baseball be your shield
against Terror and potential Nuclear War?
Or will you declare your own Independence,

an autarchy apart they can no longer ignore?

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