

Brooklyn born and bred,
the foundation for an empire,
I got my start with rippers and thieves
and took Five Points to the top,
there I met Mae of Mary's Star
and Papa Johnny the Fox,
and found myself on Rum Row.

It was there that I broke
two fingers of the White Hand,
and found myself on the road
for the Windy City.

Here I rose in Chicago
with a Slugger and a fist,
I carved out my bungalow by brick
to plan for the topple of Cicero.

Wealth and fame allowed all pleasure:
in fine cigars and suitable suits,
as well as Rye and the kind dames,
but the world was not ready for me
in St. Valentine's at Lincoln
with Machine Gun McGurn
and the outspoken Thompsons.

And yet I was caught in law
by the make-good treasurer of lie
who soon served the same empire
once their wit ran Dry

in the sodden spring of '33.

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