
Humanizing God

Man born of dust, woman born beneath his chest,
upon knowledge of a hominine god did they digest,
you blamed all but yourself for their wonder,
you created curiosity, yet they met your sunder,
and though you punished serpent, yet not devil,
you permitted him free to roam at Earth's level,
you cast them out and they left upon the morrow,
when you sealed the entrance, did you feel sorrow?

To children your own became you ruthless and vile,
but I only wonder if you did it all with a smile,
you forsake heart and brood for a Table of Nations,
for all exempt Noah and his there was no salvation,
then fretting the Tower of Babel and ambition of man
you confused words and scattered them at world's span,
in the land of Shinar you acted in manners unclear,
in this time of undaunted men, did you feel fear?

Blessed Abraham sought you out and he sought to believe,
and you repaid him in kind in a son you sought to bereave,
still though he fell short upon your request to delay,
but neither he nor I could know what you felt that day,
murderous Moses rose up and followed plague at tenfold
and led your chosen ones through Red Sea uncontrolled,
given he a solemn list of laws, as there were many,
and he destroyed the golden calf, did you feel envy?

Not until your human incarnation, or your son some say,
did you feel regret and allowed our sins washed away,
yet forsaken are those before his coming and time,
still, he inspired hope and love by words sublime,
but he was doomed from the start, you needed a symbol,
we are fallible, yet he was not, he was unforgivable,
a duality to your nature, human doesn't imply humane,
you put on quite a show that day, did you feel vain?

Validation not an objective, risk is more your game,
wherever you are, you're the king of hermetic fame,
but personally, I'd do the same and hide from truth,
I'd bedevil the simple and inflict fear into the youth,
but my deism is found opposed, not all feel this way,
for some go so far as to parade their love's display,
"the heart has reasons which reason knows not of,"
Pascal spoke with full intent, did you feel love?

Beneath this scope you're scrutinized and humanized
and so therefore I feel for you and I empathize,
so I wouldn't think apathy in a deity such as you,
but I beg that you just show me the means to construe,
I know deep down that you've seen the duality in my being,
perhaps my faith is hope that you're seeing what I'm seeing,
but if you felt those emotions, those human traits,
then, God, I must ask you, do you feel hate?

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