
Die Träume von Kindern

Clarimonde, mother and matron,
eine Mutter von Waisen,
though a mere fourteen,
sheltered and nurtured
those who had been left behind,
each girl, orphan and urchin,
between four and ten,
ganz allein, ganz allein,
sought refuge beneath her wing,
unter ihrem Flügel,
the shell of the abandoned school
became her nest from the cold,
die Schwester zu allen
held no contempt for the outside
as Vala, a broken girl of nine,
found only the warmth in scorn,
beaten in short youth, she raged
ganz allein, ganz allein,
dreaming from her bleeding heart,
bitterly she cursed at die Sonne
for always leaving her
just as everyone else had,
but Clarimonde's compassion,
eine immerwährende Liebe,
redeemed the daughter of woman,
lady Vala, patron to poor sisters,
nicht mehr allein, nicht mehr allein.

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