
In the Authorized Defense of John Warner

Men marched and tanks rolled right down the Main Street bridge
covering the city like ants while the tribunals stood the ridge,
the new curfew came into effect as toy soldiers with M-16s patrolled,
their divine right, a mandate of Heaven, meant democracy was sold,
no longer a popular sovereignty, the Monarch had made his decree,
By the Grace of God, on October 17, the kingdom become a theocracy,
behind locked doors this occupation instilled fear into a few,
with swollen, tearful eyes and dying hope, they were easily subdued,
but newly risen was a fury of defiance made with sticks and stones,
with bricks and shields made of metal, we overcame skin and bones,
our concocted cocktails scorched the lawful believers and their falsehood,
and with the guilty punished, we knew the Hex-Committee now understood.

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