
The Leonine

Of loyalty and blood and rebirth they elected to pride’s worth
that which seemingly did not belong, a fellowship of a throng,
bound by marks of beast and man which led to their own ban
from common civility and grace, for solace no more embraced,
deep within each tainted grove while two lions guarded cove
the nine legions had sacrificed and underwent the secret rites,
they being adept to this history, the forth of Mithras mystery,
led by Regulus, their own heart, they followed upon impart
to the blackened and forgotten comforting each misbegotten.

With leonine facies expelled, within anathema they rebelled,
with the great Sickle in hand Nemeans struck to make demands,
the covenant of flame took hold and scorched all of ebon-gold,
severing heads, devouring the meek from Cilicia to Belgique,
tugging at the Ashafera mane leading to lit scourge campaigns
across decadent Europa fields brandishing swords and shields
forged in the flesh of men with fast hearts and staunch skin,
Denebola lashed out from behind against an intolerant mankind,
they drained Nile from eclipse, as with all the waters in Egypt.

On horses galloping to end, upon horizon they would descend
into the east to return to city, but no remorse and never pity,
no tears would slip the feline eyes as they awaited to reprise,
the wicked sons of primal face found within their own place,
their home that of retribution by means of a fiery revolution,
setting aflame to the walls of men that will soon rise again,
but every ninth moon and ninth year on the horizon will appear
the burning pyre of hate and spite that will overtake the night,

and you will see a lion's sign and the raging rank of the Leonine.

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